HURCO CNC Control Technology
HURCO Control Technology
HURCO develops machine tools and control technologies that make our customers more profitable. We do conversational better than anyone in the industry…maybe that’s because we invented it. Our engineers continually focus on ways to reduce set-up time so you can get down to the business of making chips.
Flexibility is the foundation of the Hurco control. Whether you use NC or conversational, the Hurco control will make your shop more profitable. Even better, you get the best of both NC and conversational with our exclusive NC/Conversational Merge feature.
Because the integrated Hurco control is so user-friendly and uses machinist terminology throughout the interface, employees catch on quickly with little training. The flexibility, ease of use, and the power of its simplicity, make the Hurco control your best asset to get from print to part faster.
Yaskawa Sigma V Digital Drives
Hurco uses state-of-the-art premium servos and drives from Yaskawa, the world’s largest manufacturer of motors and drives. They provide enhanced vibration suppression and feature higher speed acceleration and deceleration.
» .625 millisecond velocity loop frequency response time (1.6 kHz)
» Encoders: 1,048,576 counts per revolution
ITX Technology
The Hurco ITX design eliminated more than 200 plug-in connections and over 100 board level parts which results in very high reliability. The modular design minimizes downtime as the one-piece control module can quickly and easily be swapped out in the field. Configuration auto-back-up to flash drive for easy recovery.